Jackson Credit Repair
Protect Your Financial Future By Improving Your Credit Score
Your Financial Health Revolves Around Your Credit Score, Making It Imperative That The Information Your Credit Report Contains Is As Accurate And Up-To-Date As Possible.

Our Team Will Give You The Tools To Help You Understand: 

How Your Credit Score Is Determined
What Factors Influence Your Credit
5 Proven Ways To Improve Your Score

Without Spending Thousands Of Dollars. 

Basic Financial Statistics In The United States:
Credit Scores Range from 300 - 850
61+ million Americans with credit scores 599 or less
Half of Americans Do Not Know their credit score
Less than 3% know how their credit score is calculated

In 1986 I graduated from Purdue University. That same year I started my career in the National Football League (Denver Broncos). Over the last 33 years I’ve made millions of dollars but I’m sure you’ll agree with me… “It’s not how much money we make, it’s how much money we keep!” I’ve lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because I was unaware of the IMPORTANCE of my credit score (I was financially illiterate). No one taught me growing up and there’s a pretty good chance no one taught YOU.

Our Educational System DOES NOT prepare us! As adults, it’s up to US to Learn or… keep throwing hard earned money down the drain. I made the choice to Learn. I started this system with a 548 credit score. I had 14 negatively reporting items on my credit, including: 1 Bankruptcy, 3 charge-offs, 9 late payments and a repo!! I followed the system and NOW, my credit score is 727 and growing!! I only have 3 negatively reporting items, I pay less for all loans, better credit card rates and my insurance company lowered my insurance rate (UNSOLICITED).

I’m passionate about helping others NOT make the same mistakes I have. I want you to WIN in the credit game, eliminate debt and PROSPER!!

Mark Jackson


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One-Time-Only $99 Set-Up Fee 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Credit Restoration process take?

Everyone's credit situation is completely different, so how long it takes for you to achieve your expected results depends on the number of derogatory credit items on your reports, your participation in getting credit reports to us, and the level of credit bureau cooperation. We will do our part, the auditing and creating dispute letters based on your reports, usually within 48 hours from the date we receive them. Most of the wait-time after is usually spent waiting for the credit bureaus or creditors to respond.

How Can I Quicken The Process?

One way to speed up the process is to receive your letters via PDF download vs receiving your letters in the mail. By utilizing the PDF Dispute option, you won’t have to wait for us to print, prepare and mail out your letters. Access your account and select “PDF Dispute” and simply click “OPT IN”. Once your letters are prepared, you will receive an email letting you know that they are ready to be printed. When your letters are ready for download, access the “PDF Dispute” section of your account once again and select “Download”. Follow the instructions on the page regarding signing the letters, attaching identity verification and mailing out your letters.

How Much Will This Increase My Credit Score?

Many of our clients have seen an increase of 100 points or more*; however, the actual amount will vary per customer. There are many factors that affect a credit score besides derogatory items. For example, the ability to pay down revolving debt, the type of credit you have, your length of credit history, even the number of inquiries on your credit file. It is especially important that no current accounts fall into a negative status.
* Results may vary by individual.

How Long Will It Take The Credit Agencies To Respond After I Send Them My Dispute Letter?

You will receive updated credit reports from all three credit bureaus after 30 to 45 days. At that time you will see what was deleted and will need to mail the originals to us so that we can continue working on the remaining items. You will actually know what was deleted before we do, which is why it is so important that you forward all credit bureau correspondence within a few days of receiving it. If the credit agency does not respond to your dispute letter, do not be alarmed, a new dispute letter will be generated when your file is reviewed by the processing center every 60 days.

How Can I Check My Progress?

Every 60 days, your file will be reviewed. Based on the documentation received from you, (credit report updates and letters from creditors) a new dispute will be generated and forwarded to you to review and sign. Along with the new dispute document, you will receive a status update report showing the progress and deletion of accounts to date. You can access your account at any time to check for updates through your account dashboard.

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